Guidance Calls


You can choose which group you want to be part of! Here's the spots available 👇🏽

Danish groups:

  • GROUP 1 │ Torsdag den 13. marts, klokken 16:00 dansk tid (fuldt hold)
  • GROUP 2 │ Mandag den 17. marts, klokken 17:00 dansk tid (2 pladser tilbage)

International groups:

  • GROUP 3 │ Monday the 7th of April, 16:00 WEST (3 spots left)

These are the dates of the upcoming Guidance Calls within each group. You'll stay within the same group and have the next call two weeks after, and it will continue like that until you decide to cancel the subscription.

Choose to pay monthly or commit for 6 months at a time to save €55 on your subscription – basically one month for free!

Contact information

We'll send your receipt and other important info to this email.

Billing address

Order summary

Guidance Calls

EUR 47.20
Due today EUR 47.20
renews monthly

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.